Activity tour for students grades 9 to 12: The tour starts with a visit of the „Klauskapelle“ (chapel) in Goslar's historic district. From 1537- 1876 the religious services of the miners took place here. Citations on the pews verify in an impressive manner the specific circumstances of a miner's life and the dangers he was exposed to every day.
But the miners of the Rammelsberg were supposedly the first in Germany to socially secure themselves and their bereaved. Here, the roots of the later „Knappschaft“ (a miners' insurance) and the European Social Security can be found.
After the prayers were said, their path led the workmen past the miners' houses of the late 19th to early 20th century. The students follow their way, and when the workplace (the museum) is reached, there is either the possibility of taking the mine train underground or of walking into the historic part of the mining system.