In the museum and visitor mine, you can immerse yourself in at least three thousand years of ore mining history at and in the Rammelsberg. Exciting permanent and special exhibitions await you in four museum buildings. In the washhouse, the processing plant, the power station and the magazine, you will gain a variety of insights into the day-to-day work of the mine. The importance of the Rammelsberg for the people, the mining work and tradition and the development of mining technology can thus be understood at the historical site.


  • Storehouse

    Find out more about the people who once worked here.

  • Ore Dressing Plant

    Minerals, Black Smoker and probably the longest display case.

  • [Translate to english:] Kraftzentrale

    Central Power Station

    The power station, built in 1906, is the oldest building in the Rammelsberg's surface facilities.

  • map

    Our museum area is large: get an overview here!

Finden Sie hier Ihre Führung am Rammelsberg